Textual analysis of a magazine cover
I have chosen to evaluate and analyse the popular magazine
Company that is aimed at 16- 20+ year olds. By analysing this magazine it will
give me some ideas as to what my magazine needs to have on the front cover.
The masthead is the name of the brand of magazine; the
masthead is used to distinguish the brand from another. The font of the
masthead is the same throughout every monthly issue of the magazine though the
colour changes in almost every monthly issue.
The central image is obstructing some of the masthead, this shows that
consumers can recognise a brand by the font of the masthead without looking at
the name.
The price is in a black bubble with white bold writing, this
makes the price stand out and connotes that it is good value for money. It also
uses the buzz word ‘only’ to try and entice the consumer that it isn’t that
much money and good value, a lot of women’s magazines are over £2 and quite
Magazines usually have a main image, commonly of a
well-known celebrity such as Fearne Cotton. The image is central and has a direct mode of address. Her body
language and facial expression could connote that she’s inviting the
reader/buyer into the magazine.
The colour scheme is almost appropriate for the time of year
‘November’ the magazine has soft colours and cold colours. The colours aren’t
in your face and bold.
The font is all in capital letters, this makes the words
stand out and connote a sense of importance. There is another story going at a slant across
the central image that isn’t in capitals but is bigger than the other text and
it seems to be written in a different font, its an almost crayon effect.