Monday, 20 February 2012


i like this photograph, it works well for the contents page because you could wonder if there's a different person under the make up, and the slight smirk on her face makes her look inviting 

i like this photograph for my front cover, i think it makes her look care free, like a lot of young adults are, also the person looking at the magazine could be curious to her location and what that has to do with her music. 

i think this photograph would be good for my double page article because its almost like she's inviting you in to read her story and she what she's like behind the make up. 

in these photographs i think i have captured the stereotypical emo/goth vibe. i think that the photographs show a rebelliousness and could appeal the a youth audience. i don't want my music magazine to look like the typical conventional style of of emo goth music magazines like kerrang i want it to look individual and different.    

Monday, 6 February 2012

audience research- questionnaire results

People aged 16-25 asked via my facebook friends and text message. 20 people asked all together. 
do you read music magazines? 
all the time 3
occasionally 10
rairly 5
never 2
how much would you pay for a magazine?
£1.00-2.00 2
£2.50-3.50 3
£4.00-5.50 13
£5.55+ 2
what kind of content would you like to see in the magazine?
reveiws 5
gigs 1
clothing shops 1
upincoming bands 1
band profiles 1
charts 3
features on bands or solo artists 2
what magazine title would you prefer?
music now 2
music scene 3
chronicles of music  13
mmmusic 1
M 1
how many pages should a music magazine contain?
50-100 1
110-200 2
210-300 6
300+ 12
what kind of music would you prefure in the magazine
pop 2
RnB 3
techno 1
emo 1
rock 1
other (please state) 0
a mixture of them all 12

I have found that the people i asked read music magazines occasionally, would pay £4.00- 5.50 for a music magazine would like to see a wide range of features in the magazine, prefer the name Chronicles or music and should have 300+ pages  and should have a mixture of all music genres. 

title ideas

Chronicles of music, music scene, music now, M, music

Experiment with fonts

experiment with colour